Hello, I'm Blake
I am a full stack web developer
and a college student in IT.


Coming from a competitive background, I hold a mindset geared towards growth, always eager to better myself in every aspect. The discovery of logic, programming, and the countless challenges to solve and skills to develop has ignited a true passion for software development. The blend of creativity, logic, and technology, along with the endless exploration, fuels my excitement and dedication to the world of computer science. Outside of my professional interests, I'm passionate about staying active, thriving in competitive environments, and delving into the world of a new skill.













Message Board

Express Node.js back-end message board website demonstrationg CRUD based operations where users can signup, log in, make posts to be displayed in a chatboard and delete posts if they are registered as an admin user. Posts are sanitized for security, saved into MongoDb, and processed with Mongoose. Log in authentication is handled through passport and bcryptJS to hash & salt passwords in order to keep them secret and private. Log in session is handled by express-session. This project follows a Router/Controller/Model structure.

Pokemon Memory Game

A fun memory game built in React using RESTful API calls with the PokeApi. Keeps track of high scores using useState, game logic in JavaScript interconnected with React components, and many little animation effects utilizing useEffect

The premise is that you gain a point for every click on a card that you haven't previously clicked on. The card number will continue to increase until you click on the same card twice which will cause you to lose and start over again.

Weather App

A weather web app utilizing RESTful API calls with the Weather API from OpenWeather.
